App Shopper: Chinquapin (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Chinquapin (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Chinquapin (Lifestyle)

Chinquapin was designed to maintain its pristine, natural feel for years to come, which is why our large lots have been carefully designed to minimize man's impact on the community's surroundings. Although Chinquapin is nestled in the heart of the forested, wild Cashiers-Highlands Plateau area, it is still only ten minutes from downtown Cashiers, North Carolina, or a twenty-minute drive from Highlands, North Carolina.

Both Cashiers and Highland, North Carolina are renowned for their small town charm, their many boutiques, specialty shops, antiques, handcrafted furniture, arts and crafts fairs, and much more. And the surrounding area offers a multitude of restaurants from gourmet to down-home cooking to satisfy every taste. Just next door to Chinquapin are 6700 acres of National forest known as Panthertown Valley. A winding network of hiking trails and numerous waterfalls make for spectacular destinations in your own backyard.

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