App Shopper: Defence Discount Service (Shopping)

App Shopper: Defence Discount Service (Shopping)

App Shopper: Defence Discount Service (Shopping)

The Defence Discount Service App is brought to you from the official Ministry of Defence discount service for the UK’s; Armed Forces, Veterans and Armed Forces Community.

With thousands of offers already available within this service, this app acts as an ideal way to experience, find, remember those offers that are of particular interest to how and where you shop. We have designed the app so that all offers and features are simply a swipe or a touch away.

There are hundreds of companies ready with offers because of the service you or your family has provided the country. Big brands & local companies provide offers in local stores, online & via gift cards.

The App

You can quickly & easily find everything you want right from the main screen. Time sensitive offers appear at the top, your virtual card and offers near me underneath. Collections of offers are a touch away underneath followed by multiple rows of companies each with offers. Extra features are positioned at the bottom. It is both visually stunning and beautifully simple.


• Search – all search features are now in a single screen. We have a new ‘Search by Phrase’ option, ‘Companies’ showing an alphabetically ordered list with quick filter and ‘Search by Category’ which helps you find companies and offers grouped together.
• Near Me – we have made this even easier, which is hard as it is one of the most used features. There was always a list view, but it was hard to spot – so we made it really easy.

• Favourites – now much easier to use and simple to understand, you can even change their order.
• Offer improvements – we have tweaked how we display each offer, for time limited offers we show an expiry caption that is easy to understand, for all offers we colour code and show the type of offer like High Street & Online. For offers you are likely to use in person we automatically add a quick access to your Virtual Card if you have one.
• Redeeming online offers – we have added a mini-browser with back and forward buttons so you do not accidentally come off the screen entirely (we understand how annoying that can be).
• Privilege card – you can get one of these directly inside the app and for members that have one we have a virtual card inside the app that you can swipe to rotate in 3D, careful, it is addictive.
• Notifications – we will keep you informed of select offers, plus when we need update you about your account.
• Shake – give your phone a shake from the home screen and we give you a random offer.
• Suggestions – we really value your ideas and your help in pointing out issues we may not yet be aware of – so we have added features in the app for you to quickly share them with us. This really is the fastest way to get things fixed or improved.

To qualify you must be:

• Serving Armed Forces Personnel
• Reserved Forces

• Spouses/Partners (of serving personnel)
• HM Armed Forces Veterans
• MoD Civil Servants
• Bereaved Family Members
• War/Service Widow(er)s
• Cadet Forces (over 16 years of age)
• NATO Forces serving in the UK

Future Updates

We plan to provide regular app store updates throughout the year that will include support for things Apple might announce, fix problems you might find and add features we have already planned and hopefully ones you may suggest.

So please help us to continue improving our app and use the problems feature in the app or email us [email protected]

Leave a Review

If you love what we have achieved, then please take a moment to write a review, if something doesn’t work correctly let us know directly and you can be assured it will be fixed very quickly and in your hands.

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What’s New

– New ‘Local Services’ section launched, as we build up the number of new companies, keep checking back to see new services that come to you rather than you go to them
– News now supports formatted content and embedded links to the rest of the app and beyond
– Performance improvements
– Bug fixes

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