App Shopper: Glide Mobility (Utilities)

App Shopper: Glide Mobility (Utilities)

App Shopper: Glide Mobility (Utilities)

*** Before downloading, verify with your company, school or community that Glide is a carsharing mobility solution available to you.

Glide is a network of shared vehicles made available through innovative, easy-to-use technology at your company sites. Powered by RCI Mobility, Glide is a corporate carsharing solution that is tailored to meet employee mobility needs.

• Find and book a designated carsharing vehicle

• Locate your booked vehicle
• Lock and unlock the vehicle
• Book a ride sharing trip
• Extend, modify and cancel your bookings
• View your booking history and upcoming bookings

Become a Glide member by speaking with your company, school or local community representative. If they have already chosen Glide as their carsharing solution, then they can send you a registration link. If not, they will need to contact us to learn how they can offer you the benefits of carsharing.

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