App Shopper: Google Assistant (Utilities)

App Shopper: Google Assistant (Utilities)

App Shopper: Google Assistant (Utilities)

Meet your Google Assistant. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things. It's your own personal Google, always ready to help.

Find answers and get things done while on-the-go with the help of your Google Assistant. Remind yourself to stop by the store, pull up your travel photos to show a friend, or make a dinner reservation.

With the Assistant app, you can:
– Make quick phone calls (e.g. “Call Mom.”)
– Send text messages (e.g. “Text my bestie.”)

– Email your boss (e.g. “Here is the latest TPS report.”)
– Set reminders (e.g. “Remind me to buy a birthday gift for Sarah.”)
– Set calendar events (e.g. “Set a calendar event for dinner with Charlie tomorrow from 7-9.”)
– Play music (e.g. “Play jazz music on YouTube.”)
– Navigate places (e.g. “Get me directions home.”)
– Weather information (e.g. “Do I need an umbrella today?”)

*Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

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What’s New

We’ve updated the app to bring you the best Assistant experience. This release contains bug fixes and stability improvements.

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