App Shopper: iDoXs (Business)

App Shopper: iDoXs (Business)

App Shopper: iDoXs (Business)

iDoXs is a Sales Force Automation tool designed initially for Medical Representatives (MedReps) in the Asia Pacific region.

It allows MedReps to add Doctors to their Territory Master List and create a Call Plan that will be followed for the coming months or cycles.

The Call Plan is translated into Itineraries of Doctors to be visited for each day of the month/cycle.

Each Doctor on the itinerary is marked visited when the Doctor signs on the Doctor Call Screen.

iDoXs also integrates the use of Marketing tools and records the actual time spent detailing each marketing tools to specific doctors. The Marketing Tools to be used can be scheduled according to the marketing program. Marketing tools maybe in PDF format, HTML5 (to make use of animations and transitions) or any IOS compatible video format.

iDoXs also provides Electronic-Forms with routing ideal for any field-force team wanting to eliminate paper communication and introduce a systematic routing of documents.

Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

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