App Shopper: iFORA MP (Medical)

App Shopper: iFORA MP (Medical)

App Shopper: iFORA MP (Medical)

iFORA MP is a handy widget designed for health data management via the mobile devices. This easy-to-use app gathers your health data (e.g., blood glucose, blood pressure and body weight records) from the ForaCare health monitoring devices, and also provides the overview of your health by objective statistical data and visualized trend graph.

If you are one of members who involve in ForaCare TeleHealth Service, you can regard this app as an upload agent, which transmits the self-monitoring results to the web system for long-term health care.

iFORA MP is also integrated with Apple HealthKit. When data is imported from ForaCare medical devices, all these readings will be sychronized to HealthKit at the same time, which provides more flexibility to user.

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