App Shopper: iFrame - Frame x Long Picture (Utilities)

App Shopper: iFrame - Frame x Long Picture (Utilities)

App Shopper: iFrame – Frame x Long Picture (Utilities)

「iFrame 3.0: Screenshots Frame x Long Picture Joint」

iFrame has been recommended by sspai, AppSo, and so on.
Screenshots Frame: Bring your screenshots with device frames, making sharing screenshots more fun.
Long Picture Joint: AI Long Picture Joint, generate full chat record pictures.

Caption Joint: Captions of movies combined into a picture, making the conversation more vivid.

「All Devices Support」
1. Device frames with all sizes.

2. Various background styles.
3. Add your text for it.

「AI Screenshots Joint」
1. Joint your screenshots by AI.

2. Make long history for you chat.

「Various Joint」
1. Joint horizontally.
2. Joint vertically.

3. Joint captions for videos.

Let’s make iFrame better.

You could send feedbacks inside iFrame, and thank you~

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What’s New

「What Update」
1. More Url Scheme support.
2. Some more detail optimizations.

「Late Update」

1. Remove APP recommendations on the Home.
2. Full dark mode support.
3. Support Url Scheme.
4. Remove image watermark.
5. Separate Screenshots Joint and Caption Joint.
6. Localization for Traditional Chinese, English, and Japanese.

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