App Shopper: Kids' Words (Education)

App Shopper: Kids' Words (Education)

App Shopper: Kids’ Words (Education)

Kids’ Words is an educational game for parents and teachers to evaluate their kids in word recognition. Each test is recorded to the Report Cards section and will identify where your kids are struggling and excelling.

Beautiful Report Cards

Stay close to your child’s test scores and progress. Find out which words your child struggles with the most using our beautifully crafted score sheets.

5 Beautiful Themes

Vocabulary lists are representative of each theme providing a well rounded selection of words to test on.

Our App Tests Your Child’s Word Recognition Skills

Every word is pronounced both before and after completion allowing your child the best opportunity of building the correct words.

Vibrant Music and Sounds

Kids will find themselves captivated as they listen to music for each theme composed by our in-house music studio. In addition, realistic sound effects appropriate to each theme will encourage your child to completely immerse themselves into the word test experience.

We have also made the music available on iTunes. Get our most popular tracks “The Jungle” and “The Jungle (With Animals)” today!

Lots of Words
Test your child’s vocabulary with over 140 age-appropriate words. The words match the theme that the child is being tested on.

Great for Teachers

Support for as many children and teachers as you like! This app is capable of managing many children for as many parents or teachers that you need.

We Believe in Value
Our app is crafted to the utmost of quality, to be beautiful and engaging. From the music and sounds to the graphics and underlying learning experience, each piece of the app is beautifully crafted to exceed your expectations.

We do not collect any data from the app. We respect your privacy and the privacy of your children.

If you would like to send us input on how we can improve our products, please visit our website and send us a message!

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What’s New

– Support for newer iOS devices

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