App Shopper: Kincoppal-Rose Bay School (Education)

App Shopper: Kincoppal-Rose Bay School (Education)

App Shopper: Kincoppal-Rose Bay School (Education)

Bridge the gap between home and school with the Kincoppal-Rose Bay School app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about Kincoppal-Rose Bay School, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more.

Key features of the Kincoppal-Rose Bay School app:

Notices: the Notices module provides Kincoppal-Rose Bay School with the ability to keep their community informed with important information, with push notifications for urgent school notices

Calendar: the Calendar module displays all events occurring in the current week or those that are up-and-coming. Events can easily be subscribed to, shared and saved for later

Newsletter: the Newsletter module allows Kincoppal-Rose Bay School to share electronic newsletters, directly to the app

Other features such as a quick and easy Contact Directory help you to reach Kincoppal-Rose Bay School with the tap of a button

Settings allows you to manage the frequency and type of notifications that you receive from KRB School.

Developed by Digistorm – Software for Smarter Schools.

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What’s New

Digistorm is constantly working to improve your app. This update includes a number of general improvements to functionality including bug fixes and performance improvements.

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