App Shopper: KlickTrack (Medical)

App Shopper: KlickTrack (Medical)

App Shopper: KlickTrack (Medical)

KlickTrack is a powerful retail cannabis point of sale and business intelligence tool. Bringing cannabis retailers much-needed flexibility allowing them to break away from the register and take their sales force to the floor opening up endless avenues to streamline your shop. Robust real-time data transfer to state government databases provides reporting and analysis unmatched by any POS currently in use today.

Built-in streamlined user experience paired with a powerful product registry brings information to your fingertips and power to your employees. Other impressive features include an offline mode, built-in customer loyalty, and exclusive order fulfillment queue. Shops of all sizes will benefit from this feature-rich software that is only limited by your imagination.

Klicktrack – Simply the best Point of Sale in the Cannabis industry.

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What’s New

Klicktrack 2.0.8 brings new and optimized workflows to the KlickTrack platform. New features and existing feature enhancements make the latest version of Klicktrack an even more powerful way to manage your shop. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

-Customer Queue is now available from door mode.
-Ability to delete customer queues from the door

-App Settings control required data to save loyalty customers.
-App Settings control to hide cash totals in drawers
-App Setting allowing drawers to by dropped by denomination
-Cloud re-connection with an icon button
-Edit/Add to queue from door
-Search/scan existing customers by ID #
-Create tax-exempt medical customers.
-Optimized sales route lock prepped sale – prevents duplicated sales
-Wifi outage indicator display
-Optimized more informative cart
-Filter queue status.
-Filter queue on all views based on queue status
-Accept external gift card payment option

-Pull down refresh changed to refresh button

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