App Shopper: Linkboard: Business News App (News)

App Shopper: Linkboard: Business News App (News)

App Shopper: Linkboard: Business News App (News)

Linkboard is a news filtering app for business users and teams. You can save keywords to create a business newsfeed, save articles to read later, create email alerts than can be shared by teams, offline access to articles and use text to speech feature for when you are walking or driving.

We are constantly building an app that tries to move as fast as you do. Save news filters and refine them based on the information you have to get the news you need. The news cycle is getting faster, distributed across more platforms and firing from all over the world. Linkboard helps you build your knowledge more efficiently than your competition in a noisy world.

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We make regular updates to improve speed and stability. Make sure you try "Listen" button under articles to hear the article read out to you.



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