App Shopper: Near Mint (Productivity)

App Shopper: Near Mint (Productivity)

App Shopper: Near Mint (Productivity)

Near Mint is an app to organize YOUR comic book collection. Easily search and organize your comic books. You can take or import photos, grade your comic books, and even chose which ones are on your reading list. It runs locally on your device and does not require it to be online. Created using native Apple technology–and only for iOS–by a longtime lover of comic books.

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What’s New

New features!
•When on a filtered list of comic titles, you can now click the new button (looks like a stack of comics) to show the rest of the comics in that title without clearing the search.
•You can now use this the CSV export format to import into an empty Near Mint collection to fill it with data.

••The CSV export format has expanded and includes more columns of data. It used the pipe (|) character as a delimiter now.
•When single-tapping an image of a comic’s cover, now both navbar (at top) and tabbar (at bottom) hide/show. Double-tapping zooms in/out as it did before 1.2.
•Under the hood, I updated it to the most recent version of the Swift programming language.

•Under certain circumstances and empty collection could crash the app, not anymore.
•Restored the double-tap to zoom on a cover image.
•Commas could cause an issue on exporting the CSV of the collection, but now we use pipes so it’s a non-issue. Yes, this issue is a feature and a bug!
•After tapping “Sell” the buttons nicely animate back (as they were supposed to).
•Other minor fixes under the hood.

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