App Shopper: NorthStar Church - GA (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: NorthStar Church - GA (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: NorthStar Church – GA (Lifestyle)

NorthStar Church is located between Acworth & Kennesaw GA. At Northstar we help people find their way home. Now you can have access to NorthStar resources in the palm of your hand. Gain instant access to our message archive, church live stream, articles, events and even store all of your church notes on your phone.

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What’s New

We’re always adding new features and fixing bugs!

What’s new on Subsplash Messaging (if enabled by your app administrator)
– The label "channel owner" has changed to "channel manager" to better reflect the role these people play in a group or team.
– Managers are now listed on the channel details screen.

– Managers can moderate conversations by deleting any messages from any users in a channel they manage.
– Managers can add and remove other people as managers for a channel.
– Images can be tapped to expand to full screen, and can be downloaded.
– All users can edit messages they've previously sent.
– The GIF library loads faster and has better suggested GIFs.

Bug fixes:
– We resolved a media playback bug when using google cast

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