App Shopper: PLS Note (Productivity)

App Shopper: PLS Note (Productivity)

App Shopper: PLS Note (Productivity)

Did you feel the difficulty of managing the project in your company?
Now you can use the convenient and efficient ‘PLS Note 🙂

PLS Note allows you to manage your projects and keep a journal through your iPhone phone, and the web from anywhere.
It can be used as a business messenger as it allows you to chat and ask in addition to your business log 🙂

It is available through a simple subscription.

main function :
– Write your journal!

You can create and view journals by date to see what tasks are happening on your team.

– Try chatting.
You can make communication easier by chatting with your journal and group members.

– Please do me a favor.
You can manage the missing part of the journal or any additional details to the finish by asking.

PLS Note

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