App Shopper: SINERGIE (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: SINERGIE (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: SINERGIE (Lifestyle)

SiNERGiE™ software

Note: This app is designed to work to conjunction with the DPM 9003BT™ instrument, available at

A new, unique skin hydration research system designed to couple with the iPad. SiNERGiE™ turns your iPad into a powerful and easy to use research tool. NOVA's new wireless technology concurrently collects on site skin hydration and image information. SiNERGiE™'s elegant user interface with interactive graphing capabilities provides superior visualization of data during the collection phase.

Ideal for all skin hydration testing in personal care, dermatological, geriatric, wound healing and topical pharmaceutical research.

•Simple, attractive user interface
•Visualize measurement process

•Image capture of test site
•CSV data file format for universal compatibility
•Quickly change and update subject data and information
•Email test results and images from the iPad
•Easily transfer data and images to Mac or PC through iTunes

Get control of your research data with the ultimate mobile platform. To find out more, please visit us at

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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