App Shopper: SkyDemon (Navigation)

App Shopper: SkyDemon (Navigation)

App Shopper: SkyDemon (Navigation)

SkyDemon is Europe’s favourite software for VFR flight planning and in-flight navigation.

Use this app to access your SkyDemon subscription on your iOS device, unlocking SkyDemon’s powerful features while on the move.


– SkyDemon vector charts are the clearest aeronautical charts you’ll ever use, with dynamic airspace clipping and choice of map layers
– Route planning is as simple as touching consecutive waypoints and dragging to make changes
– Virtual Radar shows how your route relates to airspace, terrain, obstructions and other features

– Pilot Log facility calculates headings and groundspeeds from actual wind data, and shows useful frequencies
– Plates and other documents for relevant airfields are displayed automatically as you plan, and many are available georeferenced for use in flight
– Intuitive pan, pinch and rotate support with no loss of map clarity or text legibility
– File a VFR flightplan for your route directly to air traffic controllers
– Automatic TAF, METAR and SIGMET briefing as you plan a route, with graphical decoding
– Rainfall data can be overlaid on the main map, with animation, showing the trend of rainfall over time
– Integration of GAFOR route forecasts for Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia
– Both narrow-route and area NOTAM briefings available, updated as you plan
– Advanced NOTAM graphical interpretation and depiction on the main map
– Easily print your PLOG and the output from various briefings
– Warnings for airspace and other potential hazards to your flight, updated in real time
– Airfield Admin Information shows useful contacts and other details for airfields featured in our charts
– Forecast winds aloft are automatically retrieved for the flight time and displayed on the map
– Create an advanced flight performance profile for each aircraft you use
– ATS Routes mode offers an alternative chart presentation for flight along airways
– Accurate fuel, weight and balance calculations including flight costings
– Create an unlimited number of user-defined waypoints
– Analyse your track logs for posterity
– Choose between six different vector chart styles
– Extensive European chart coverage as standard


– Intelligent warnings for approaching airspace, NOTAM, obstacles, terrain and other hazards
– Virtual Radar shows a side-on projection of all approaching features and how your trajectory relates to them

– Vector map automatically follows the aircraft in north up, track up or course up orientation
– Clear and concise instruments show you flight statistics and help keep you on track
– An HSI/ILS instrument helps you keep to your planned route and line up early for approach
– Live Pilot Log shows progress through your route, ETAs, ATAs and useful frequencies based on your current position
– TerrainSafe dynamically colours mountainous terrain around you to quickly identify safer areas
– Direct To allows easy re-routing in a hurry by picking from a selection of nearby airfields
– Approach Information shows runway diagrams, TAF, METAR, NOTAM and other airfield details useful for making an approach
– Live updates of TAF and METAR while in flight, with associated alerts*
– Extended runway centrelines appear automatically on the map as you near your destination airfield
– Permanent display of position relative to nearest well-known waypoint, for position reporting
– Easy changing of the planned route while in flight by touching and dragging

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

* Internet connection required for live weather update while in flight

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What’s New

– ATZs and CTRs are now drawn in the aerial photography view

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