App Shopper: smart insoles (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: smart insoles (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: smart insoles (Lifestyle)

APP control of the thermal insulation of the shoe pad, so that this winter is no longer cold.
Whether you are winter travel, winter sports, outdoor work, giving their loved ones, MI hot shoe pad is your first choice.
Breaking the disadvantages of traditional heating products: the battery is separated from the shoe pad, wearing a hard, remote control, easy to lose.

Rice sprout intelligent hot shoe pad, battery shoe pad integrated design, independent products, easy to use, mobile phone APP control, more intelligent, more understand you.
Three intelligent models for you to choose.
Intelligent heating mode: in this mode, APP will automatically monitor the WIFI connection, used to determine whether the user is in the outdoor, so as to automatically shut down or restore the heating.
Constant temperature heating mode: in this mode, APP will be based on the user’s heating temperature, automatically adjust the heating time, the effective control of electricity consumption, to ensure that the longest continuous heating.
Continuous heating mode: in this mode, APP will be completely based on the user’s temperature heating.
Beijing MiMeng Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 010-59480890

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