App Shopper: Smartick (Education)

App Shopper: Smartick (Education)

App Shopper: Smartick (Education)

Smartick – Math for children
Master Math in 15min a day. From 4 to 14 years.

Smartick is a fun and entertaining method of learning Math. Daily 15 minute sessions, which adapt in real-time to the student’s responses.

Students work at their own pace, with progressing based on their own ability and working at their full potential. It reinforces self-esteem and self-confidence.

At the end of the daily session the student can access the Virtual World, where they can play scientifically designed games to enhance their cognitive training.

92% of students improve their calculation skills, and 83% improve their school grade in Math. Thousands of children from more than 42 countries benefit from the method every day.

Smartick has been created by a team of Educators, Psychologists, Mathematicians, and Engineers, and has received numerous distinctions:

2014 Selected as one of the 30 most innovative initiatives in Europe – European Commission
2014 Winner of Premios Emprendedor XXI – Ministry of Industry and La Caixa

2014 2nd position in The South Summit – Spain Start Up
2013 2013 Best case study worldwide – World Gamification Congress

Media presence:

“The secret behind the mathematical miracle at three schools in Madrid”, El Confidencial.

“They have developed a method of teaching mathematics that improves grades by 83%”, La Razón.
“The EU places Smartick online mathematics among the top 30 new ideas”, El Mundo.
“The EU promotes innovative educational method Smartick”, El Economista.
“Learn Math in 15 minutes”, El País.
“In search of the perfect teacher and student”, Expansión.
“Learn mathematical thinking and reasoning”, ABC.
“Smartick: a method of developing and improving education that is starting to cause a furore in schools”, Actualidad Económica.

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What’s New

Several bug fixes.

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