App Shopper: Spending Tracker-Daily Expense (Finance)

App Shopper: Spending Tracker-Daily Expense (Finance)

App Shopper: Spending Tracker-Daily Expense (Finance)

Spending Tracker will help you keep track of your Expenses in a very simple way and tell you how much money you can spend each day, taking in account what you have already spent during the current month.

Easy Saving
‣ By seeing how much you can spend every day you will automatically spend less.
‣ The variable Daily Budget will open your eyes to your financial situation from day to day.


‣ Enter your daily Expenses
‣ See every day how much you can spend


‣ Select a picture or a ticket
‣ Select Camera/Photo Library
‣ Export CSV data
‣ Gesture Password
‣ Create your very own Budget with monthly recurring or one-time incomes and expenses.
‣ Create and manage your own Categories.

The Big Chart

‣ Month End Projection to see where you stand.
‣ Month Budget showing you how much money you have left this month.

‣ Edit already passed days.
‣ Scroll through passed month to compare.

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What’s New

Thank you all for your feedback
Adapted to iOS 13
Fix multiple errors
Optimization function
Adjust UI

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