App Shopper: Tablecross (Food & Drink)

App Shopper: Tablecross (Food & Drink)

App Shopper: Tablecross (Food & Drink)

■About Us■
Tablecross is free social contribution gourmet restaurant reservation application. Every time you make a reservation with our app, we will donate to children in developing countries. With our model, the user uses the app for free and we charge restaurants a fee only after the user reserves a restaurant. When the restaurant receives a reservation, the restaurant will be charged 180 yen for each customer as an advertising fee. 30 yen out of the 180 yen is donated to children in developing countries.

Download the app and make only one reservation a week to help provide meals for children in developing countries.

■More Information about the App■
You can check the featured restaurants, restaurants for parties, restaurants for business on the home screen. Find what restaurants are nearby. You can also search restaurants using keywords, location and categories.

You earn Angel Points for every reservation. Angel Points tell how much you contributed and can be redeemed later.

■Future Aspects■

Since our application was released in March 2015, we have donated ¥7,270,553 and counting to children in developing countries. Our future goal is to surge the numbers of users and partnership with enterprises and create a culture of making profits and creating social values at the same time: the idea called CSV (Creating Shared Value).

Download the application and be part of our movement to make a better world in the future!!!

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What’s New

Reservation bug fix

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