App Shopper: Total Fitness - Gym & Workouts (Healthcare & Fitness)

App Shopper: Total Fitness - Gym & Workouts (Healthcare & Fitness)

App Shopper: Total Fitness – Gym & Workouts (Healthcare & Fitness)

Total Fitness is a fitness guide for this sport fans. Total Gym Fitness offers you a big amount of info that will help you to reach your goals.

Total Fitness has the following sections:

Exercises Guide
More than 100 different exercises to do at the gym with explanation of the exercise, info about involved muscles, images and an explanation video

Different workouts that will help you to schedule your weekly work, as hard as you want or you can

Guided Workouts

Different guided workouts that will allow you to practice fitness at home with this app´s help


Try to beat yourself and reach some of the goals that Total Fitness proposes you, try to do your best training with these workouts.


Total Fitness offers you the way to calculate your IMC, Fat %, and your Strength.

This app is free, we only ask you for your positive rating so that more people knows the app and we can keep improving it

We hope you like it!!

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What’s New

– Female workouts
– Fitness products list
– Dark mode
– Cardio exercises

– UI improvements
– v3.2.5

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