App Shopper: The Vault - Security Made Easy (Productivity)

App Shopper: The Vault - Security Made Easy (Productivity)

App Shopper: The Vault – Security Made Easy (Productivity)

Do you…
… have trouble remembering tens or hundreds of online passwords?
… write passwords down somewhere, even though you know this is not the safest thing to do?

… use the same (“cleverly” modified) password in multiple places, instead of using properly randomized passwords that offer the best security?
… sometimes wish you had a photo of a creditcard, passport or other document handy?
… want to securely store lots of other confidential information, photos, animated GIFs, office documents, you name it?
… want all this to be secure, but still very simple to use?

Then ◆The Vault◆ is for you!

The Vault provides straightforward, easy to use, secure storage for all your documents and other data, such as passwords, login credentials and any other confidential information. It can securely store any number of documents, images, screenshots or photos along with your confidential information.

* 256-bit AES encryption *
While storage and access is simple, The Vault uses rock-solid, industry standard encryption.
[technical details below]

◆ ◆ ◆ WHY IS IT BETTER ? ◆ ◆ ◆

▸ See all features:

▸ The Vault is very simple to use, yet it employs industry-standard encryption to keep your data safe.
(Some other – payed – apps do too, but some apps advertised as “secure” really do not, and for example save your data using a simple base-64 encoding: your information looks scrambled, but is as readable as plain text when you know how).

▸ The Vault will – never – show ad banners! We hate them too.

▸ The Vault stores information on * your * device. Not on some server somewhere on the net.

▸ Securely storing information is as simple as entering free text!

▸ The Vault can securely store photos and pictures from your camera or photo library; for example a copy of your passport, credit card, or just the serial numbers of some equipment you own. Anything.

▸ The Vault can securely store – and play – animated GIFs.

▸ The Vault can securely store *any* office or other document.

▸ Many secured documents can be viewed directly from The Vault, including PDFs, Keynote, Numbers, Pages, Powerpoint, Excel and Word files.

▸ You can optionally import data exported from your previous password app (or any other source that can provide the data).

▸ Automatically and securely backups your data!


This is the part that matters.

This is the part that is hard to get right.
This is the part that makes the difference between actual security and insecurity.

Claiming "military-grade" (or "industry standard" 😉 encryption is meaningless.
Even claiming "256-bit AES encryption", in itself is not very meaningful.

Claiming "military-grade" encryption and subsequently simply hashing a master passcode – e.g. using SHA, MD5, or, god forbid, nothing at all (!) – is NOT good.
What ís good is to use a proper key derivation algorithm such as PBKDF2, scrypt or bcrypt.

Another example:
AES is better than ancient algorithms such as Blowfish, Twofish or 3DES.
But even for AES: an app that does not combine encryption with authentication… is doing it wrong. Currently there is some consensus that the best construct is to first encrypt a message and then calculate a message-authentication code, instead of the other way around.

These things matter.

◆ ◆ ◆
The Vault uses PBKDF2 key derivation with an HMAC-SHA512 PRF, and HMAC-SHA256 Encrypt-then-MAC authenticated 256-bit AES encryption, using CommonCrypto functionality only. All cipher and MAC worker keys, as well as all salts and IVs, are purely random data. Keys and IVs are never reused. Each singular piece of data is encrypted with a unique random encryption key, and authenticated with a unique random HMAC key.
Your Master Passcode is never stored; and neither are the derived cipher keys.
◆ ◆ ◆

Choose a long master passcode. Make it long, and make it random!
Read more about why and how inside the app.

Show More…

What’s New

7.4.2 Various small improvements

+ 7.4.1 Fix Template insertion
+ 7.4 Password AutoFill now let’s you directly create and use new credentials

▸▸▸ For a complete feature list, see:

7.0 – 7.3.1
▸ Same features. Same workflow. Increased efficiency!
+ New Action Menu for quick access to common textual actions
+ Browse SecureBackup Bundles! Selectively restore a lost Note or Folder, leaving your current Vault data intact
+ New Preferences Index helps you quickly find what you need

+ Support for hardware keyboard shortcuts
+ Tap and swipe to finish and delete a ToDo item on your QuickNote
+ Password AutoFill now handles multiple Username/Password combinations on a single Note

6.0 – 6.4.3
▸ NEW: Password AutoFill ! Login to any website or app using your credentials stored in The Vault

+ You can now select multiple lines and immediately create a ToDo list
+ Improves optional auto-distribution of SecurePhotos

+ Single tap to schedule an extra AutoBackup – on the in-app Preferences page

+ Easier to setup SecureSync between all your devices
+ AutoBackup now keeps unlimited yearly backups

+ Add undo/redo gesture to undo changes when editing Notes or QuickNotes

+ NEW: Deep-copy HotContent: Long-press an InterNote Link to directly copy a password from a linked Note

+ Adds support for Dynamic Font Sizing
+ You can now – optionally – use a third party keyboard such as GBoard with The Vault
+ Improves AutoFill handling of matches for usernames that match account names
+ Optionally remember last open Folder

▸ NEW: InterNote Links !
Add meaningful connections between your Notes. Read more inside the app.
+ Copy-paste rich text between your Notes

▸ HotContent is now activated for everyone – for free!

5.0 – 5.9.7
+ Added QuickNote!
Because sometimes you just want to QUICKLY jot down a thought, a number, an email address, anything
3D/ForceTouch The Vault's icon and start typing

+ QuickNote automatically syncs between your devices. For everyone.

+ Automatic Bulleted Lists!

Type what you want to sum up and the app will automatically format your list, add new bullets and track indentation; intelligently.

+ Document Scanner
Tap the camera button to take a photo of a black-and-white text-document or a color-document or (credit-)card

+ Adds an App Extension that works directly on photos from your camera roll:
…annotate, filter, blur, curves, effects, crop, etc.
…and then either securely store it in The Vault, or write it back to your camera roll

+ Automatic SecureBackup: directly to iCloud Drive, or to iTunes

+ Preferences setting for Universal Clipboard support
+ Add Smart-Copy paste for quickly copy-pasting Credit Card Numbers etc without spaces and dashes
+ Improve HotContent parsing of answers to online security questions and Hidden HotContent IDs
+ Specify length and optional dashes for new random passwords
+ Auto fill-out email address in “Mail:User:Pass:” Templates
+ PDF Preview – Quickly preview, search or print PDF documents sent to The Vault – without having to login
+ Tap to re-hide a temporarily revealed Hidden Folder

+ Auto-insertion of a properly randomized password when inserting any password Template Note
+ Updated Photo Editor
+ Improved handling of encrypted PDFs
+ Send & Receive SecureBackup bundles directly to and from iCloudDrive

Update 4.0 – 4.9.9
+ Autosaves your changes while you are editing your Notes
+ Improved handling of Template insertion, auto-positioning your cursor for immediate text input
+ Auto-hiding of sensitive HotContent!

+ Duress-protection for biometricID users: shake your device or quickly hit Cancel instead to completely disable biometric access to The Vault. From this point on it is technically impossible to access to your Vault without first manually entering your passcode.

Improved HotContent parsing:
+ detection of IBANs
+ improved handling of usernames that are email addresses
+ new detection of answers to online security questions

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