App Shopper: VR Site Tour (Business)

App Shopper: VR Site Tour (Business)

App Shopper: VR Site Tour (Business)

Providing a 360° walk through of your jobsite

EarthCam's VR Site Tour is the perfect do-it-yourself solution for documenting interiors. This app gives you the ability to capture 360° images and video for an interactive virtual tour of your project.
All images and video are geo-tagged using EarthCam's IPS (Image Positioning System) to properly align photos to your site plan.

This efficient imaging technology eliminates the need for expensive photography services and is 8 times faster, making it a smarter way to communicate jobsite progress. You can activate voice dictation or type notes to add with the image to convey progress or detail issues as well. The 360° images and video will automatically upload and convert into a guided tour within our Control Center 8 software, so the entire project team can take a Virtual Reality Site Tour from their remote office location. We also partnered and integrated our software with PlanGrid for a unique project management perspective.

VR Site Tour: complete interior coverage of your jobsite – that fits in your pocket.

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What’s New

We're always working to improve our app experience. This version includes bug fixes and performance enhancements for increased reliability and stability.

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