App Shopper: WARN NJDEP (Utilities)

App Shopper: WARN NJDEP (Utilities)

App Shopper: WARN NJDEP (Utilities)

WARN NJ DEP allows you to submit information about environmental incidents, abuses and complaints in or impacting New Jersey directly to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).

This free app allows you to:

• Report environmental incidents such as odors, improper disposal or storage of potentially hazardous materials, sewage discharges, chemical spills, encroachment of wetlands or streams, smoke or dust, underground storage tank issues, and more.

• Pinpoint the exact location of an incident by using your mobile phone's GPS feature.

• Capture a picture of the incident and include it in your submission.

• Automatically dial the 1-877-WARNDEP hotline number.
Note: This application is not intended for emergency purposes. In the event of a life hazard or emergency, call 911 or your local police department. Wi-Fi or a data connection is required.

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What’s New

Updated with new Incident Type options to select.
Updated Geo Location and the "Use GPS Location" defaults.

Various fixes and improvements.

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