App Shopper: Wireless DJ (Music)

App Shopper: Wireless DJ (Music)

App Shopper: Wireless DJ (Music)

Wireless DJ is a wireless multi-touch controller for Traktor Pro or any other MIDI-enabled DJ software. Connect it to a wireless network shared with your computer and use it as a low-latency MIDI-controller for your DJ software of choice.

Wireless DJ lets you directly interact with your virtual mixing console without the hassle of overpriced MIDI controllers. Forget your mouse and trackpad — get hands-on with your music, your way. Play, cue, adjust pitch and mix with Wireless DJ's touch controls and take your mix to the next level with iPad's multi-touch capabilities.

We have a better idea than simulating a jog dial: Magic Stripes. Ultra-precise, take much less space. One finger for pitch bending, two for fine tempo adjustment.

Wireless DJ connects to your Mac through the system's native wireless MIDI driver, so no additional drivers are required. It does not interfere with your current audio routing: as your sound chain remains intact, you can seamlessly integrate Wireless DJ with your current DJ set-up. For Windows PCs, wireless MIDI drivers are available on the Internet.

Watch video, get pre-made settings files for Traktor Pro, FAQs and details on our website:

Wireless DJ is a pure MIDI interface that you thought should have been invented years ago. So guess what — now it's here, and it awaits. Start mixing wirelessly today.

Please note: Wireless audio monitoring is not supported, please rely on your current monitoring solutions. We don't provide wireless MIDI drivers for Windows. Wireless DJ is only supported by MIDI-enabled DJ software (Traktor, Torq etc.).

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