App Shopper: Woodcrest (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Woodcrest (Lifestyle)

App Shopper: Woodcrest (Lifestyle)

Connect and engage with our community through the Woodcrest app. You will be able to connect with groups, fill out prayer requests, participate in giving, read the Bible, watch & listen to messages, and more.

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What’s New

– Create your Profile and make the app your own. Get better visibility of your notifications and gain access to our latest features.
– The ability to give feedback in an easy and anonymous way directly in your message inbox.
– Select the notifications you want to be subscribed to. Get custom recommendations. Easier to opt-in to what you want to know and opt-out of what you don't.

– Create engaging, customized push notifications with images, emojis, and more.
– Access your audio on your lock screen. Now you have the ability to play, pause, fast forward and rewind.
– A smoother than ever user-experience, including faster content updates and visual enhancements such as content upload notice and reload button.
– iPhone X support



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