App Shopper: WorkFlowWise (Business)

App Shopper: WorkFlowWise (Business)

App Shopper: WorkFlowWise (Business)

WorkFlowWise provides an extensive workflow management tool for any process; process on demand as we like to call it!

We optimise any process with documents and transaction data in a business to business environment. Historically we have a key focus on the budget-to-pay process and provide an out-of-the-box solution for invoice processing, managing purchase requests and supplier contracts. We can even provide support for the initiation of an expense claim based on a photo of the receipt.

With this mobile task manager you can connect to your WorkFlowWise environment and interact with your tasks. View, approve, reject existing and initiate new tasks anywhere. This mobile client is free of charge and can be used by customers with a premium account on the WorkFlowWise environment.

If you want to review our application, please visit our website and contact us for more information on our flexible and powerful workflow management environment. Based on a detailed outline of you need we can provide you with a fully functional solution in just one working day; process on demand to the max!

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Some bugs fixed



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