App Shopper: YourMasterpieces (Shopping)

App Shopper: YourMasterpieces (Shopping)

App Shopper: YourMasterpieces (Shopping)

YourMasterpieces is a global marketplace for artists and art lovers from around the world to connect and re-imagine the world of art. A unique platform designed for artists to upload their non-digital handmade art to be shared with the world. The YourMasterpieces app is the perfect fit for every Artist as well as Art collector’s needs because:

Buy and sell artwork from anywhere in the world

Save artworks as favorites to revisit them later

Connect with us to get all the artworks related questions answered

Explore curated recommendations tailored to your taste

Swift and secure payment options; you don't pay until we verify an artwork and its availability

Get notified the minute an order ships

Sell your Artworks at your desired price!

We invite all painters and sculpturists to try this app specially designed for you. All artists can create a profile and upload their paintings, sculptures and other non-digital handmade artworks while art lovers can explore the platform to find art pieces they love. Join today and start getting likes on your artwork, build your fan base and provide your art the platform it deserves.

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What’s New

Minor bug fixes.



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