СASHFLOW 1064 Apk android

СASHFLOW 1064 Apk android

СASHFLOW 1064 Apk android

СASHFLOW is a Board Game for android
download last version of СASHFLOW Apk for android from revdl with direct link

Craft your financial strategy to get out of the Rat Race using real estate, business, the stock market and master CASHFLOW – The Investing Game!
Based on the original board game by Robert Kiyosaki, hone your financial strategy and claw your way out of the Rat Race to build your CASHFLOW Empire and claim dominion over the realm (realm being your living room)!

Begin CASHFLOW in the Rat Race working in a variety of professions while you implement your investment strategy to become the next business or real estate mogul. Avoid the pitfalls of bad deals, friends asking for handouts, lawsuits, and getting laid off from your job. Fine-tune your investment strategies now. Your ability to impress the world with your financial prowess will be coming soon.

– The game is available only in English.

– For a comfortable game, we recommend using a tablet or device with a screen diagonal of more than 6 inches.







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