Baby coloring book for kids 2+ (Education)

Baby coloring book for kids 2+ (Education)

Baby coloring book for kids 2+ (Education)

Creative and educational game for children that will help your child spend time with an electronic device effectively. Let your child feel like a real artist. The app includes coloring activity which is friendly to the youngest as well as drawing lessons intended to develop fine motor skills. Also, the app contains pictures on different topics which will entertain your child with fascinating sounds and funny characters. The following is waiting for you:

– 8 topic packs with 120 pages;
– Easy coloring for children;
– Drawing lessons;

– Creativity development.

The app is designed for children of preschool age and also suitable for boys and girls 2- 4 years old. All the activities were developed with participation of experts in the field of children education and include such educational elements as developing of fine motor skills and logic. Have fun!

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What’s New

Thank you for using our apps. Here are some details of the coming update:
– We have fixed issue with sound effects occurred on some devices.

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