Barter Network LTD Mobile (Shopping)

Barter Network LTD Mobile (Shopping)

Barter Network LTD Mobile (Shopping)

Barter Network LTD Mobile App – for BNL members

This mobile app is for all on-the-go activities of BNL members.

As the largest barter company in Canada, Barter Network Ltd. (BNL) knows what it takes to grow a successful business. This savvy business thinking is applied to finding new business for the company is almost 2000 active members and reducing their cash expenditures with unrelenting passion in the two pillars of the trade exchange's existence.

BNL drives approximately $25 Million in new sales to their members annually, with many of Canada's leading corporations and smaller companies alike, obtaining new business from fellow members in even larger proportions.

And with every single dollar our member spends through BNL, they save cash through use of our unique BNL currency. That's right as our members' cash is no good here!

This mobile app is free to BNL members.

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What’s New

Updated the look and feel of the app, and made improvements to security.



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