Commute Tracker by RideAmigos (Productivity)

Commute Tracker by RideAmigos (Productivity)

Commute Tracker by RideAmigos (Productivity)

Com­mute­Track­er by Ride­Ami­gos is the easy and fun way to con­nect to com­muter pro­grams and in­cen­tives from your em­ploy­er or re­gion!

Dis­cov­er: Learn about com­muter in­cen­tives, re­wards pro­grams, chal­lenges and commute options avail­able through your em­ploy­er or re­gion­al net­work.

Plan: Once you have discovered a commute option, use Commute Tracker Trip Planning to map your carpool, walking, bicycle, transit, or other route.

Track: Your com­mutes be­tween home and work are au­to­mat­i­cal­ly de­tect­ed or pre­dict­ed us­ing your mo­bile de­vice's built in lo­ca­tion ser­vices and your usu­al sched­ule.

Con­firm: Con­firm or man­age trips to keep your his­to­ry up-to-date.

Earn: See the pos­i­tive im­pact you're mak­ing with your com­mute. Par­tic­i­pate in chal­lenges, earn com­muter in­cen­tives, and re­deem points for re­wards and ben­e­fits like emer­gency rides home.

To get start­ed, just in­stall the app. Fol­low the sim­ple steps to con­nect to the par­tic­i­pat­ing com­muter pro­gram from your em­ploy­er or re­gion and tell us about your typ­i­cal com­mute habits.

Then you'll be ready to start track­ing and con­firm­ing trips and earn­ing re­wards!

With Com­mute­Track­er, all you need to do is join an avail­able net­work, tell us a lit­tle bit about your typ­i­cal com­mute and turn on your de­vice's lo­ca­tion ser­vices. We'll de­tect or pre­dict your trips au­to­mat­i­cal­ly! To par­tic­i­pate and earn re­wards and recog­ni­tion in com­muter pro­grams and chal­lenges, sim­ply open the app, and con­firm the trips. With each al­ter­na­tive com­mute, you'll see sav­ings, pos­i­tive im­pact, and progress to­ward great re­wards.

Note: To use this app, you'll need a free Con­nect PIN from a par­tic­i­pat­ing com­muter pro­gram pow­ered by Ride­Ami­gos. If you are not sure how to get a Con­nect PIN, con­tact Ride­Ami­gos to find out if there is a com­muter pro­gram in your area: app­sup­[email protected]­gos.­com"

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What’s New

Our biggest update yet! Commuter programs can now enable their commuters to easily plan carpool, transit, bike commutes and more without leaving Commute Tracker!



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