Deltek CRM for PS (Business)

Deltek CRM for PS (Business)

Deltek CRM for PS (Business)

Keeping your pipeline full and clients happy is no easy task, but it's easier than ever with Deltek CRM for Professional Services. Deltek Client Relationship Management (CRM) customers have access to the client and opportunity information they need from their mobile device. With Deltek for Professional Services' mobile app, your teams will have instant access to opportunities, firm details, contact information and activities from anywhere at any time. Help keep all of your team members informed and turn more opportunities into wins with access to key business development intel on the go.

•Add, update and view client and contact details
•Create and manage opportunities

•Manage activities and associate them with clients, contacts and activities
•Track information unique to your business in custom fields
•One-touch tap to make a call, send an email or view an address on a map
•Maintain all CRM security access and controls through the mobile app
•Easy and secure access to the app using a 4-digit pin

To use the app:
•A Deltek CRM user license is required.
•Contact your firm's IT resource to obtain the firm-specific Deltek CRM mobile URL needed during set up

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