Human Evolution Clicker Game 1.7.6 Apk + Mod (Money) Android

Human Evolution Clicker Game 1.7.6 Apk + Mod (Money) Android

Human Evolution Clicker Game 1.7.6 Apk + Mod (Money) Android

Welcome to the evolution party! With this evolutionary simulation, you can go through all the stages, mixing different creatures: from a single-celled to a posthuman. Don't miss the opportunity to look at the evolution of the world and have fun. It's an amazing evolution game!

Develop and update creatures – combine animals to get a new breed. Take two identical single-celled or multi-celled organisms, play with their genetics and enjoy the result. Buy crystals to accelerate the evolution. Evolution does not stand still.

Try different experiments with mixing. Unlike other clicker games of evolution, our clicker of life is not a meaningless mating of ridiculous animals. Your task is to create cyborgs and intelligent robots by going through the stages of microbes, crabs, fish, lizards, seals, dogs, monkeys, troglodytes and ancient man. In fact, in one game you get evolution of cats, dogs, birds and the complete evolution of man. It's a genetics game about the development of life on Earth.

Cool clicker of people's evolution. The world of evolution is waiting: start evolutionary fun right now. Evolution is near.


Event bugs hotfix

New event planet! Find out which creatures you're going to evolve this time!
New event leaderboard popup: score event points, keep track of your progress and get rewards in the end!
New game mechanic: Wheel of Fortune. Test your luck and earn crystals
Special event chest is now avaliable to help you progress through the event
Have fun!

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