Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.4 build 133 [Premium] [Latest]

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.4 build 133 [Premium] [Latest]

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.4 build 133 [Premium] [Latest]


Multi Timer is a beautifully designed time management app. Multiple timers can be set, independently started and run at the same time. Stopwatch results can be stored.

Use Multi Timer for cooking, sports, (dish)machine washing, study, work, gameplay – anything you like.

✓ Multiple timers at once: Store timers that you usually use for cooking, sports, study, work, game, anything you want. Start them with just one touch, any time you need.
✓ Timer within a timer: Get a notice at a set interval time. For example, receive a signal during a presentation that a set time is left.

✓ Each timer it's own sound: Assign a unique sound to each timer, so you instantly recognize which timer alarm goes off.
✓ Text-to-Speech: Once a timer alarm goes off, the timer will speak to you.
✓ Beautiful timer widget: Experience simple and beautiful timer widgets, with changeable color and size.
✓ Control timers with sensors: Turn off a timer by waving your hand over your phone without touching it.
✓ Store and share stopwatch records: You won't lose your stopwatch records anymore. Share your stored records at anytime you want.
✓ Designed for all devices: Multi Timer supports all types of devices.
✓ Improvement through your input: Multi Timer continues to develop with the help of your ideas. We always appreciate your wishes.

By purchasing the premium version, you will get the following benefits:
– Ad-free

– Dark theme
– Features added in the future


  • Timer widget : expanded touch area for start and stop
  • Timer group : added repeat function in timer group


Download Links

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.2 build 227 [Premium] APK / mirror

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.2 build 227 [Premium] APK

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.1 build 215 [Premium] APK / Link / Link

Multi Timer StopWatch v2.6.0 build 213 [Premium] APK / Link / Link

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