Mushroom Wars 2 3.12.0 (Full) Apk + Data for Android

Mushroom Wars 2 3.12.0 (Full) Apk + Data for Android

Mushroom Wars 2 3.12.0 (Full) Apk + Data for Android


Mushroom Wars 2

Immerse into the fierce battles with the award-winning real-time strategy game.
* Best Mobile Game at GTP Indie Cup 2017
* Best Multiplayer Game at Indie Prize, Casual Connect 2017

* One of the Best App Store Games 2016
* Best Strategy Game at WNConf

In Mushroom Wars 2, tribes of feisty mushrooms face off in short, action-packed real-time strategy battles. Step into the shoes of a fearless Mushroom Commander, choose a hero to lead your army, take control of the battlefield in a variety of multiplayer modes or challenging single-player campaigns.

* FOUR CAMPAIGN EPISODES – an episode for each tribe of Mushroom folk: brave Shrooms, alien Proteus, amazonian Shii'Moris, necromantic Grims. More than 50 missions in each episode!

* ALL-NEW HEROES with unique abilities – choose the one that best fits your play style
* FAIR COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER – leagues with award system and ranked matches make for fierce competition in up to 4-player battles
* EVEN WILDER CO-OP ACTION GAMING – two-player cooperative mode will make you act and think together! How will you combine your heroes' skills to eliminate your enemies?
* CUSTOM GAMES – Just want to enjoy a friendly skirmish with your friends? Try out new strategies with up to three friends in free-for-all or team-based matches.
* TOTAL VISUAL OVERHAUL – unconditionally brave and cute characters on a mission!

Become one of the millions of Mushroom Warriors now, download Mushroom Wars 2!


Good Day, Fellow Updated Warriors!
This update brings you the evolution of Artifacts! Now you can salvage spare Artifacts into Gold.

This update tweaks and fixes the Lunar New Year event as well.


  1. "APK" install it on your device.
  2. "com.zillionwhales.mushroomwars2" folder "android / obb" copy into.
  3. Enter the game.
Mushroom Wars 2 Apk

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