My Little Pony Comics (Books)

My Little Pony Comics (Books)

My Little Pony Comics (Books)

A Stable of Comics Fun All in One App!

Every My Little Pony comic and graphic novel ever created is waiting for you in the new My Little Pony Comics app! Only from IDW Publishing, a leader in digital comics.

A huge collection of comics with brand new stories. Updated every month!

NEW – improved page viewing: To zoom in to the comic page, simply turn your iPhone or iPad to landscape mode, and the page will automatically fit to the width of the screen. Then just scroll down or to the next page to keep the images and text big and clear!

Also featuring My Little Pony motion books by Madefire, with animation and sound!

Read free comics and motion book episodes!

My Little Pony Comics is powered by Madefire!
– All new store font with in-app purchases right at your fingertips.

– All iOS purchases will immediately be available in your purchase list.
– Create a new user account, and if you were a previous IDW app user, your entire existing IDW My Little Pony catalog, even if you purchased in the comiXology store, will be available in the new app.
– Comic purchases can transfer between this app and the IDW app, as well as the Madefire app.

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What’s New

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

We’re working hard to bring you the best reading experience possible, but…If you have issues please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get you taken care of as fast as possible. If you love reading in My Little Pony Comics please take a moment to leave us a positive review on the App Store. We see them and they make us happy!

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