MyUS Global Shipping App (Shopping)
The MyUS Global Shipping App was rebuilt using native technology with version 2.0.0.
Shop USA stores and ship internationally with the MyUS Global Shipping App. MyUS members can download this easy-to-use app to:
•View and manage packages, update account settings and calculate shipping costs
•Easily create ship requests with One-Click Ship
•Receive push notifications for all package updates
•Capture and upload invoice screenshots
MyUS is #1 in the industry, with over 11 million packages shipped since 1997. And we save our members over $70,000,000 a year with our premier package consolidation!
Not a member yet? Join over 300,000 MyUS members worldwide today! You will instantly receive a MyUS address to use when shopping USA stores. Your purchases arrive at our secure US facility, where they are consolidated to reduce shipping costs, and shipped to your doorstep.
MyUS members save up to 80% on global shipping rates, thanks to our free package consolidation and partnerships with global carriers FedEx, DHL, UPS and USPS.
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What’s New
Shipping Calculator Update
Minor Bug Fixes With Shipping Methods
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