New: VoiceNoteIt (Productivity)

New: VoiceNoteIt  (Productivity)

New: VoiceNoteIt (Productivity)

VoiceNoteIt 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $.99, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


– On the main screen, create folders
– Go to a folder to create notes

– Record your note
– Send to iCloud Drive on any note you want (not mandatory)
– Keeps Notes organized by topic
– Create as many folders as you want
– No need to name every note

(Note – Any message you delete from your phone will still be in your iCloud Drive until you delete it from there also. You get to pick and choose which voice messages you want to send to the iCloud Drive, and you are welcome to then delete it from your device, knowing it will still be on your iCloud Drive until you no longer need it)

What’s New

Bug Fix – App crashes if you used spaces in the folder name.


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