Oxford Dictionary of English 2 (Education)

Oxford Dictionary of English 2 (Education)

Oxford Dictionary of English 2 (Education)

Oxford’s largest single-volume English Dictionary, plus audio —making this the largest Oxford English reference on ANY mobile platform.

● The entire Oxford Dictionary of English, Second Edition (ODE)
● 72,000 pre-recorded sound files from British English voice actors.

◼ Application Features:

▪ full content of the unabridged texts

▪ complete appendices and front matter
▪ unique three-way cross-referencing search
▪ real-time progressing look-up
▪ wildcard searches for unknown spellings and quizzes
▪ hyperlinking for dictionary & appendices
▪ unique support for round-trip search from other applications
▪ bookmarks with editable notations
▪ iCloud Bookmark syncing
▪ DarkMode support
▪ automatic history
▪ complete offline use – no internet connection is required

◼ Description

▶ The foremost single-volume authority on the English language
▶ Hundreds of new words and senses derived from the latest research from the Oxford English Corpus, giving the most complete and accurate picture of the English language.

The Oxford Dictionary of English is at the forefront of language research, focusing on English as it is used today, informed by the most up-to-date evidence from the largest language research programme in the world, including the 800-million-word Oxford English Corpus. This revised edition includes hundreds of brand-new words and senses, as well as up-to-date encyclopedic information, and extensive appendices covering topics such as countries, heads of state, and chemical elements.

◼ Sound Files from Oxford Sound Bank

▶ over 72,000 pre-recorded sound files linked to headwords

◼ Features:

▶ high-quality recordings with native English pronunciations
▶ accurate coverage of different homographs, variant forms and inflections


Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE), Second Edition revised
© Oxford University Press 2005
Soundfiles from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
© Oxford University Press 2002
All rights reserved Oxford University Press

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