Save the Cat! Lite (Productivity)

Save the Cat! Lite (Productivity)

Save the Cat! Lite (Productivity)

Begin to develop that award-winning screenplay for free with the all new Save the Cat!® Lite for the iPod, iPhone and iPad. Get started with a killer title, a Save the Cat!® Genre, a concise, attention-grabbing logline, and the outline for your story using the famous Blake Snyder Beat Sheet. The app also includes great tips on how to make the best use of each of these elements. Then share your project with others or share the project outline beat sheet as a pdf.

Even if you don’t own the desktop version of Save the Cat!®, you can still use this amazing tool, touted as the “secret weapon” of the working writer, to help build better, more powerful stories, with greater resonance and emotional impact.

Whenever your creative juices start flowing you’ll have this revolutionary app, which is based on Blake Snyder’s best-selling books and software, at your fingertips. You’ll delight in the ability to structure your screenplay, teleplay, stageplay or novel the Save the Cat!® way.

And, if you want to go further, you can purchase Save the Cat!® Complete using In App purchase. Save the Cat!® Complete includes the many elements from the Save the Cat!® book series on story structure:

Use "the Board" to create cards for each scene and arrange them in the perfect order
Create Emotional Changes for each and every scene
Add the Characters in your story, including their Wants, Needs and the Six Things that Need Fixing and link them to the scenes in which they appear

Add the Locations in your story and select the location for each scene
Gather and organize all your research files and link them to Scenes, Characters and Locations
Capture your random thoughts and ideas
Create Set-ups and Payoffs as your protagonist progresses through the story
Ensure that you have covered all the elements of a great screenplay with the Greenlight Checklist
Transfer your files to the desktop version of Save the Cat!® Story Structure Software (Requires Save the Cat!® for the Desktop Version 3.)
If you don't have the desktop version, you can still share your project file, export the script to Final Draft or share your story elements in a pdf report.

Get started now!

QUESTIONS FOR TECH SUPPORT? Email [email protected]

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