Smart Tools mini v1.0.10 [Patched] [Latest]

Smart Tools mini v1.0.10 [Patched] [Latest]

Smart Tools mini v1.0.10 [Patched] [Latest]


Smart Tools® mini is the new package optimized for devices without a magnetometer.

A half of new Android devices have no compass sensor (Moto G4, Galaxy J, Galaxy Tab4 …). Surely this app will work well on all of Android devices.

It includes 5 Pro sets for a total of 14 tools.

Set 1. Length, Angle, Slope, Level, Thread : Smart Ruler Pro
Set 2. Sound meter, Vibrometer : Sound Meter Pro

Set 3. Flashlight, Magnifier, Mirror : Smart Light Pro
Set 4. Unit, Currency : Unit Converter Pro
Set 5. Distance, Speed : Smart Distance Pro

* The differences between "Smart Tools" and "Smart Tools mini"
(1) This app does not include compass and metal detector.
(2) This app includes currency feature with internet connection.
(3) Smart Measure Pro is replaced by Smart Distance Pro.

For more information, watch YouTube and visit the blog of the apps:

Do you want to get more tools and features? Please send an email.

I hope my apps are useful to your SMART Life. Thank you.

** No internet support : You can open this app without any connection. After installation, open the app 2-3 times with your device connect to WI-FI or 3G/4G.


– v1.0.6 : Galaxy S9 support, minor fix

– v1.0.5 : Unit converter update
– v1.0.4 : Vibrometer update



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