Split APKs Installer (SAI) 3.4 [Untouched] Apk + Mod for Android

Split APKs Installer (SAI) 3.4 [Untouched] Apk + Mod for Android

Split APKs Installer (SAI) 3.4 [Untouched] Apk + Mod for Android


Split APKs Installer (SAI) Mod

SAI is an app for installing and exporting split APKs – apps that consist of multiple APKs.
SAI can install apps using standard Android API, using root access or using Shizuku.

SAI is an open-source app, you can get the source code on its GitHub repo – github.com/Aefyr/SAI

Please note that SAI only installs user-provided files and is not responsible for those apps behavior.
Please also note, that some devices/ROMs aren't supported by SAI, that has to do with bad Android API implementation in said ROMs and can't be fixed on app side.


SAI (Split APKs Installer) is an app that lets you install multiple APKs as if it was a single package. This is useful for installing apps that are distributed as App Bundles since Android provides no built-in way to install them from sources other than Google Play.

How to use SAI?
Click "Pick APKs" button and select base APK as well as additional configuration-specific APKs then click "Select" button to start installation process.


• Fixed update date badge
• Export screen filters are now saved across app restarts
• Updated ukrainian and bulgarian translations

• Reworked export screen
• Updated german and simplified chinese localization
• Added bulgarian localization


• When exporting a single APK file, it won't be packed into a .apks archive
• Fixed file names getting cut off in internal file picker

• Added export directory selection
• Added Android TV support (not really usable without a joystick)

Split APKs Installer (SAI) Apk

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