The Diary of St Faustina (Reference)

The Diary of St Faustina (Reference)

The Diary of St Faustina (Reference)

The Divine Mercy is the grace and love of God alive in our lives. It's God acting in us, upon us, and through us. It's God taking control of our lives and teaching us how to think and how to act. It's God possessing us so that we do not become possessed by the craziness of the world we live in.

One recent gift that God gave to us is Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska. She was born on August 25, 1905 in Kraków, Poland and died October 5, 1938 in the same city at the age of thirty-three. Sister Faustina was graced to receive daily private revelations from Jesus and she kept a diary of these mystical experiences.

This app presents this diary to us in a convenient manner that helps us stay close to God daily through the prayer and reflection. Each daily reflection starts with a prayer focused upon the message and reflection for that day. The reader is encouraged to pray this prayer several times. Ideally, it is prayed first thing in the morning, again during the day, and again at night.

Key features:
-Quick access to a series of daily prayers and reflections to help you deepen your relationship with God,
-Present the prayer/reflection of the day on app launch,

-Offline access. No internet connection is required to access this app,
-Text to Speech feature that reads the reflection to you,
-Share the daily prayer easily with your family and friends,
-Optional dark theme, which improves reading in the dark. (Tap on top right icon to toggle it)

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What’s New

– Performance improvements and minor bug fixes



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