Treasure Diving v1.282 Apk (Unlimited Energy)

Treasure Diving v1.282 Apk (Unlimited Energy)

Treasure Diving v1.282 Apk (Unlimited Energy)

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Treasure Diving

 Treasure Diving v1.282 Apk [Unlimited Energy]  Batten down the hatches! We're diving into the challenging sea adventure!
Be careful! You will find many obstacles on the way: greedy pirates and sweet-voiced sirens, the bloodthirsty Kraken and a cunning witch.

You'll see sunken ancient cities and galleons with holds full of gold.
Pimp your submarine and set off on a journey. Incredible adventures and greatest discoveries are waiting for you.
Enjoying fantastic sea views, don't forget about the purpose of your trip: explore new locations, find a book of magical recipes, gather together all the parts of the old map and save Captain Jack from the terrible curse.
Feel like a fearless explorer of the sea depths!

Game features:
– Over 30 exciting expeditions to complete
– Over 100 unique artifacts to discover

– Over 25 different buildings to build
– Over 50 exotic marine inhabitants
– Awesome colorful graphics
– Varied gameplay experiences
– Endless sandbox gameplay

800×480 or higher resolution is required.
You may need to download nearly 70MB when you first start the game.

Treasure Diving
Treasure Diving
Treasure Diving
Treasure Diving
Treasure Diving

Treasure Diving



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 Treasure Diving v1.282 Apk [Unlimited Energy] – DRIVE LINK

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