Update: Cipheriseâ„¢ (Utilities)

Update: Cipherise™  (Utilities)

Update: Cipherise™ (Utilities)

Cipherise™ 3.5.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 3.4.1 -> 3.5.1 (iTunes)


Cipherise™ is an adaptive, multifactor authentication system that allows you to have the highest security during your working day, via one central app.

Cipherise consolidates multifactor authentication mechanisms to provide an adaptive, risked based authentication solution that is efficient and streamlined for the end user whilst providing the highest level of security.​​​

Cipherise can provide authentication persistence for low friction experiences when needed throughout the working day, but also adapts to high risk scenarios when they are encountered.

Utilising the patented OneTiCK password entry solution, user credentials are protected without them having to do anything.

Unlike existing authentication systems, OneTiCK never requires a user to directly type their personal secret (aka password) into a screen.

What’s New

Thanks for using Cipherise! No bugs were harmed in the making of this update.. just kidding, they were exterminated.


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