Update: GTM LoadShed (Productivity)

Update: GTM LoadShed  (Productivity)

Update: GTM LoadShed (Productivity)

GTM LoadShed 2.0.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 1.4.1 -> 2.0.1 (iTunes)


This app will take all the confusion out of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s load shedding schedule.

– By defining your area the app will tell you if you are subject to load shedding or not.
– Indicates whether Eskom is load shedding and, if so, at which stage.

– Receive push notifications on Eskom stage changes and other events.
– Provides contact information for GTM for power related queries.
– Plus, more exciting features to come…

What’s New

We've changed the Home page back to the familiar Now page as before, to avoid confusion.

According to user feedback, we took the prominence away from the area names in favour of the area number. If you’re used to your area number, the GTM card on the Now page will now be more useful to you.

Not only do Eskom’s power go off, but it seems their servers also. This version is somewhat less reliant on Eskom’s servers to provide the current load shedding stage.

Push notifications about stage changes and more will now be received again.

We also left some bugs behind in the dark.

We’d like to hear from you, so please leave feedback or suggestions on our Facebook page.

GTM LoadShed

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