Update: MAG (Entertainment)

Update: MAG  (Entertainment)

Update: MAG (Entertainment)

MAG 1.2.7

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Entertainment
Price: $1.99, Version: 1.2.5 -> 1.2.7 (iTunes)


Everybody of a victim of an accident of East Japan Great Earthquake, sincerity, I’d like to express my sympathy.

A relation close to occurrence of an earthquake is the application which observes the "magnetic flux" said that which is here by everyone.
You send observation result to a server, and an analysis team does an analysis.
I’ll exhibit analyzed information in FaceBook.
I’ll deliver information with exigency immediately.
I have everyone cooperate and would like to make the relation of magnetism an earthquake by all means clearly.

The feature.
1:The magnetic flux information the empty observation location was specified, and asked for GPS information by an original arithmetic expression is sent to the server.

2:Only your observation location is indicated, and GPS position information can’t see person’s other position information.
3:It’s possible to confirm the information sent to a server from a browser in real time.
4:Comparison indicates observed magnetic flux information and epicenter information.
5:You can also see observation result and an analysis result by a official site and FaceBook more than a PC.
6:It’s possible to check the direction of twist in the electronic compass function.

It doesn’t correspond to iPhone3G.
A relation between observed magnetic flux information and earthquake doesn’t become clear for the moment.
Please be careful about prevalence of a rumor enough in handling of information.

The analysis information issued from us will inform you of magnetic flux observation result and inform you of a forecast of earthquake occurring and a forecast.
The total responsibility isn’t shouldered about a presence of earthquake occurring in observation result using an application and an analysis result, so please be careful.
Private information won’t use GPS position information and other things in anything but the observation use.

Official site http://www.web-c1.com/kurukuru/
FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/kurukuru.magnet
mail tesla@web-c1.com

What’s New

iOS13 compatible.


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