Update: oneIDentity+ PoC (Business)

Update: oneIDentity+ PoC  (Business)

Update: oneIDentity+ PoC (Business)

oneIDentity+ PoC 2.6.5

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 2.5.19 -> 2.6.5 (iTunes)


*This is the demo version of the oneIDentity+ to be used for pilot projects and proofs of concept!*

oneIDentity+ is more than an app. It is a cross-company and cross-sector service platform that supports mobile processes all around the world. Flexible, scalable, standard based and role specific.

With oneIDentity+, enterprises of any kind and in any sector are able to provide role specific information and access to relevant processes on the basis of serialized marked products in real time. Starting with the validation of the code, oneIDentity+ opens the door to endless possibilities to implement or optimize mobile processes.
Users, anonymous or known to the companies are able to use this "single point of entry" to increase their knowledge or speed up their processes with respect to products from several enterprises. With oneIDentity+ you avoid to install one or more apps per enterprise. Use oneIDentity+ and clean your phone.
oneIDentity+, established in automotive sector in 2008 (as TecIdentify with focus on anti-counterfeiting) and used worldwide by more than 10 of the leading suppliers in that sector, is based on worldwide GS1 standards, that allow the unique identification of products. Interfaces to most backend IT systems enables an easy and efficient process integration.
Try it out for yourself! You will be amazed by the possibilities oneIDentity+ offers.

What’s New

minor bug fixes

oneIDentity+ PoC

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