Update: pulsair (Healthcare & Fitness)

Update: pulsair  (Healthcare & Fitness)

Update: pulsair (Healthcare & Fitness)

pulsair 3.4.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: Free, Version: 3.3.9 -> 3.4.2 (iTunes)


The app fosters user responsibility and awareness of the air quality and the individual wellbeing. The app collects GPS data, questionnaires about green behaviors and lifestyle and health status, sensor data (using an Air Quality sensor and a Fit Bit). All the data are merged to create pollution maps and estimate the health risks for every specific user.
The app can estimate a global health risk of the citizen and a more specific risk for Type II Diabetes Mellitus and asthma. Unique value proposal mixes personal and environmental data to perform the risk assessment. The app belongs to the research project PULSE (EU funded project of the H2020 framework)

What’s New

We are working to improve the app.

Feedbacks are welcome!.
Changes on this version:
Fixed minor problems
Created new user interface


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